Dr. Ian James Martins
Chief Editor for International Journal of Diabetes Research
Dr. Ian James Martins is a Doctor of Science in Nutrition and Doctor of Medicine in Diabetology (Honoris Causa, https://sites.google.com/site/internationalindexing/advisory-board). He is an Editor/Reveiwer for 100 journals Open Acess Pub/MDPI journals, Advisory Board Member for Photon Journal, various international journals and a Fellow of the International Agency for Standards and Rating. Semantic Scholar profile for Ian James Martins acknowledges 133 highly influential citations. Chief Editor for International Journal of Diabetes Research (2014-2020), Research and Reviews: Neuroscience (2016-2020), Journal of Diabetes and Clinical Studies (2017-2020), Novel Techniques in Nutrition and Food Sciences (2020-2023), Advancement in Case Studies (2020-2023) and Journal of Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism (2020). BIT Member (BIT Congress. Inc) with an h-index of 125, Citations >12267 RESEARCHGATE RESEARCHER (Google Scholar (32), ResearchGate STATs (31), Scopus Author ID: 7103152779/Mendeley STATS (22), UWA Research Repository (18), Semantic Scholar (22). Ian James Martins (www.google.com.au) places RG score (> 96%). ORCID CONNECTING RESEARCHER (Ian James Martins (0000-0002-2390-1501). Frontiers in Genetics places Ian James Martins outputs > 99% of all Loop authors. Winner (World Academic Championship -2017) in Diabetes and Nutrition and Medical Science (Trophy of the World Championship). Conferred with the RICHARD KUHN RESEARCH AWARD-2015 ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM. Research Online (ECU) has selected 37 publications under Global analysis. Scientist for The Science Advisory Board (USA) and an Academic with Academia.edu (220 Public Mentions). 120 international certificates from various conferences/journals in relation to anti-aging, health and disease. Top Peer Reveiwer 2019, Global Peer Reveiw Awards, PUBLONS, RANKING TOP 1% in the field 22 Essential Science Indicators research fields. Keynote speaker, Chair and Organizing Member for approx. 100 conferences in 2014-2020.
Research Interest